IBX Committee
We are a 5-day event, with a completely volunteer committee. That committee is required to follow all BLM regulations and help communicate and enforce BLM rules for our participants while we are on the playa, in accordance with our permit.
We are required by the BLM to pay a Permit Fee, and a Use Fee per participant, to have the event. We are required to have sufficient event insurance coverage, and required to rent and provide Porta-johns to registered participants.
Call for Kite Buggy Enthusiasts!
Who is joining us on the playa for IBX 2025?
John Alden
Amy Alden
6 Levels
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have put together a variety of sponsorship options and levels, with some great benefits and exposure for our sponsors. Please contact the committee if you, or a business you know, is interested in sponsoring IBX 2025 and we can go over the options.
Over 30
Raffle and Auction Items
We are working to expand the raffle this year to be more appealing and beneficial for our attendees. Let us know if you have, or know a business willing to provide, any donated items for the raffle.
Attendee Goal for 2025
The IBX Committee is dedicated to promoting the kite buggy and wind sport enthusiast community. We continue to volunteer our time to put on a positive and enjoyable annual event. Our goal is to grow the attendance each year.
Recent Year Event Finance Recaps
The IBX Event Committee is dedicated to being completely transparent on how the association and the annual event is doing financially.
April 10 – 14, 2023
In 2023, the cost to hold the event came to a total of $3,053.04. This was about $50 more than 2022. But we were able to hold the raffle and a few other fun events! In conserving the event expenses in 2023, we were able to raise enough funds to expand 2024, including the plan to bring back the commercial group tent rental and an expanded raffle!
In comparison to the costs, all registration, additional shirts and dinner ticket sales for 2023, brought in a total of $2,208.00. This is about $600.00 more than 2022 sales. We were able to supplement the event with a few generous donations, 2 amazing sponsors, and the raffle.
The 2023 event cost approximately $111.00 per registered participant to be in BLM compliance and provide the shirts and dinner.
March 28 – April 1, 2022
In 2022, the cost to hold the event came to a total of $3,010.53. The committee did everything they could to reduce costs in every way possible. The total cost last year was about $2,000 less than what was spent in previous years. But as last year’s attendees know, we did not have a commercial group tent, tables, chairs, lighting, raffle, and other items that were available in previous years. Things we would like to get back to having.
In comparison to the costs, all registration, additional shirts and dinner ticket sales for 2022, only brought in a total of $1,632.00. We were incredibly lucky that a single sponsor came forward and covered all of the additional costs so that the event could take place and not lose over $1,200.00. Without that sponsor, the committee may not have been able to continue holding the event.
This breaks down to the 2022 event costing approximately $101.00 per registered participant to be in BLM compliance and continuing some of the event traditions. All participants were only charged $50.00 for their registration, which included the event shirt, and a catered meal.
Sadly, no event was held due to continued pandemic restrictions.